Faria Paulino e Rui Osório (coord.)
Comissão dos Descobrimentos Portugueses e Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto
Year: 1995
ISBN: 972-96066-8-4
Language: portuguese
Dimensions: 31x23cm
Weight: 380g
Pages: 146
Binding: soft cover
"Throughout its history, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto has accumulated a rich cultural heritage, which was added by its benefactors.
(...)Tesouros Artísticos da Misericórdia do Porto are, we hope, a starting point for a long way of preservation, promotion and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the Santa Casa." (José Avides Moreira)
Protection and promotion of Culture (José Avides Moreira)
Conserve and publicize the Heritage (Francisco Faria Paulino)
Artistic treasures of Misericórdia do Porto (Nuno Vassallo e Silva)
500 Years of Solidarity Culture (Rui Osório)
The building of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto (Manuel Joaquim Moreira da Rocha)
The main chapel of the Misericórdia do Porto's Church (Maria Augusta Araújo)
The altarpiece paintings of the main chapel of the Misericórdia do Porto's Church (Maria Augusta Araújo)