Ribeiro da Silva
Publisher: Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-989-8578-13-6
Language: portuguese
Dimensions: 24x17,2cm
Weight: 208g
Pages: 90
Binding: soft cover
"During the first half of the nineteenth century, Portugal was plagued by political antagonisms and ruptures that put Portuguese against Portuguese and increased intolerance and hate. The twenties had peaks of radicalism and violence among miguelistas (supporters of king D. Miguel) and liberals (supporters of D. Pedro IV), and, during the brief years that D. Miguel directed the kingdom, an atmosphere of fierce persecution was created to those inside and outside the country, who opposed him.
Those involved, directly and indirectly, in the liberal uprisings of Porto and Aveiro in 1828 were tried summarily, trying to definitively crush the revolutionary wave that shook the kingdom since 1820. Therefore he condemned to death several dozen Portuguese, of which twelve were actually hanged in New Square in Porto. The final victory of Liberalism soon consecrated them as the Martyrs of Liberty or martyrs of the Motherland. The Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto became deeply involved in the aftermath of the judicial punishment, giving decent burial to the condemned."