dos 500 Anos - Vol. II
Estêvão Zulmiro Braga Samagaio
Maria Alice Fernandes Azevedo
Regina Maria Pereira dos Santos
Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto
Year: 2001
ISBN: 972-96628-9-4
Language: portuguese
Dimensions: 30x21cm
Weight: 910g
Pages: 158
Binding: soft cover
"The great benefactors of Santa Casa Misericórdia do Porto were its basis: to be born and grow, to become established and stabilized. They shaped its form and contours.
These works will bring to the public monographic studies on initiatives and actions that give prestige to the Santa Casa da Misericordia do Porto throughout its history. The most significant testaments to the Santa Casa, from the sixteenth century to the twentieth century, fill the pages of these two volumes.
These works will bring to the public monographic studies on initiatives and actions that give prestige to the Santa Casa da Misericordia do Porto throughout its history. The most significant testaments to the Santa Casa, from the sixteenth century to the twentieth century, fill the pages of these two volumes.
Benefactors (Vol. II): António Fernandes; Manuel Fernandes de Calvos; Francisco Velho; André Coutinho; Vicente José de Sousa Magalhães; João Teixeira Guimarães; Anna Machado Leão; Francisco de Lacerda Cardoso; António Joaquim Moreira de Souza; D. Manuel II."