Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa
Publisher: Santa Casa da
Misericórdia do Porto
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-972-98920-6-6
Language: portuguese
Dimensions: 28x22cm
Weight: 1150g
Pages: 168
Binding: hard cover
"(...) "Bury the dead" is one of the Works of Mercy, thus honouring the remains of what was a lived and shared life, also perpetuating it by memory and suffrage. The Santas Casas have always had that obligation and care, being great helpers of human dignity, in its fullest sense. (...)"
Chapter I - Prado do Repouso Cemetery and the installation of the Private Area of Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto; Chapter II - The burial constructions and the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto; Album of the Chapel and Funerary monuments in the Private Area of the SCMP in Prado do Repouso Cemetery - I. Chapel of the Private Area of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto; II. Tomb of Dr. José Plácido Campiam; III. Tomb of Manuel José de Sousa Araújo; IV. Tomb of José da Silva Passos and his wife, D. Ana Margarida Soares da Silva Passos; V. Tomb of José Pinto Soares and his wife, D. Emília Delfina da Costa Soares; VI. Tomb of Félix Las Cazas dos Santos, 1st Viscount de Las Cazas; VII. Tomb of Augusto Roquemont; VIII. Tomb of Comendator Manuel Francisco Duarte Cidade; IX. Tomb of the Martyrs of Liberty; X. Tomb of António Rodrigues de Araújo Lima's family; XI. Tomb of Francisco José Nogueira; XII. Tomb of José Joaquim Aguiar; XIII. Tomb of António Joaquim Fernandes Magalhães family; XIV. Tomb of D. Sebastião Leite de Vasconcelos, Archbishop of Damieta; XV. Tomb of Joaquim Lopes Fernandes and his wife; XVI. Tomb of Severim José de Brito's family; XVII. Tomb of the Viscounts of Ermida; XVIII. Tomb of Coronel-Doctor Mário de Castro; XIX. Tomb of Albano Alves Meruja's family; other tombs in the Private Area of Misericórdia do Porto.